Frequently Asked Questions
I earned a commission, why haven't I been paid?
Each month, we pay affiliates who have reached our minimum €100.00 account balance. If you account balance hasn't met the payout guideline of €100.00, it will carry over from month-to-month until it does. The first month it hits the €100.00 balance mark, you will be paid.
Is there a limit to how much I can earn?
No. You can earn as much as you can deliver with our affiliate program. There is no cap on what you can earn each month.
When will I receive my affiliate commissions?
We approve commissions once the customer has activated their license OR 60 days after the sale occurs, whichever comes first.
Affiliate payments are processed and sent directly to your PayPal account around the 1st of each quarter. While we usually process all payments on the 1st day of each quarter, we don't guarantee payments will be posted by the 1st. We hold payments for a full 30 days to allow for processing, chargebacks, etc.
For example, you would receive an affiliate payment for the full month of August by October 1st.
Can my commission rate ever go down?
No, your rate will never go down, regardless of sales volume.
How high is your commission rate?
Each new affiliate will start with a 25% commission rate and can improve his commission rate by automatic performance awards of 1% for each 10 approved commissions generated - up to a maximum commission rate of 50%!
Can I receive commissions for my own purchase?
You cannot receive commissions for your own purchases. Although our system will initially count this kind of commission, we check every commission and will void any that are for your own purchases.
I do not have a paypal account - can I become an affiliate anyway?
In order to keep transaction costs low, we require affiliates to have a paypal account - other payment methods are currently not supported.
Does it cost me anything to become an affiliate?
The program is free to join, there are no monthly charges and no minimum sales requirements.
Are sites outside of the U.S. eligible for the Affiliate Program?
Yes, you may join the affiliate program as long as you have a verified PayPal account.
I operate multiple websites, can I still participate in the Affiliate Program?
Yes. You're welcome to promote Leaflet Maps Marker Pro across all of your websites. The more links and banners you place on your websites, the more qualified leads you’re likely to send us and this should translate into a higher conversion.
Is my blog or website eligible for the Affiliate Program?
Most blogs and websites qualify to participate in the Affiliate Program, but we reserve the right to refuse membership or revoke your membership at any time if we determine that your website contains objectionable material, such as defamatory content, pornography or other content of an adult nature.
Please also be aware that the aim of our affiliate program is to create a win-win-situation. This is why we chose to reject applications from explicit discount coupon sites/directories or similar sites for example.
I don’t have a blog or website, can I still participate in the Affiliate Program?
Yes. You can still share your affiliate link via email or on sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.
How do I track my earnings?
You can login at any time for access to real-time reports and get up-to-the-minute information about any commissions you’ve earned.
What if my affiliate payment is blocked, rejected or unclaimed?
On occasion affiliate payments are blocked or rejected by PayPal or are listed as unclaimed. Usually this is because PayPal does not do business in your country or the email address associated with the affiliate account is incorrect. As an affiliate it is your responsibility to make sure your email address is valid and is able to receive payments from PayPal. We will not re-send any any payments after 30 days from the original payment processing date! Any payments unclaimed over 30 days are forfeited.
Can I change the text of the banners?
Yes, if you would like to change the text of the banners, lightboxes or pagepeels, please download the PSD files at
Make the desired changes (like translations) and send the updated images to affiliates(a) and we will add them to the marketing material section.